Friday, February 5, 2010

"As You Like It" Purse ideas

This picture is all the way from Sweden where Kerstin Eklöf Persson, made this in a class at Tyger & Ting quilt shop in Burseryd, Smålandsstenar in the south of Sweden. The “As You Like It” Purse has a front flap that is interchangeable and or reversible. Kerstin made 2 flaps and they are wonderful. I love the creative way that Kerstin added the colored squares to the front of one of her flaps.
Making flaps for an "As You Like It" Purse is a great way to try out a new sewing technique that you want to try. It's a small project and you can see if you like the new technique without spending a lot of time on a large project.

Thank you Kerstin for sharing your pictures and ideas.

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